“Namangan Dori-darmon” announces choice for the post of head director of JSC


“Namangan Dori-darmon” announces choice for the post of head director of JSC


Requirements to the candidate (professional requirements and duties)

Education requirements:

Higher education in – doctor,economist, manager, including international working experience or international diploma.

Professional requirements:

  • -At least five years of relevant working experience , including at least three years experience as head or deputy head of production unit,Health care and pharmacy technologist
  • -It is desirable to have references from previous jobs.

Working conditions:

- Five days per week (modefrom 8. 00 till 17.00)

-Salary –Highest, under the law, material incentives, privileges , premium,stay in Uzbekistan resorts.

  • -Companycar

Candidates for vacancies until February 20, 2017 must submit the following documents (copy of passport, copy of the diploma, personal form, CV, characteristics of the previous place of employment, photo 3x4 2 pcs., Single file folder is 10 sheets) to Namangan city, U.Nosir street, JSC "Namangan Dori-Darmon" summit of directors.

  • The summit of directors of the JSC


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Adress: 160100,Namangan region, The city of Namangan, Street Usman Nosir, 12.
Phone: +99869 227-20-30, +99869 227-20-11, +99869 227-05-32

E-mail:namdori-darmon @umail.uz, namdori-darmon @exat.uz

Responsible for Information Service website: Marufkhonov Mirjalol Phone: +99893 915-75-46 

Joint-stock company "Namangan Dori-Darmon" At full or partial use and citing of materials published on this site,
a link to the official site of JSC "Namangan Dori-Darmon" is obligatory.